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Top Seven tips to deal with your emotional triggers and stay calm

Life is full of ups and downs, and often our feelings can take us by surprise. Have you ever found yourself reacting strongly to a situation, only to realize later that it simply triggered an intense emotional reaction? These emotional triggers have the power to influence our behavior and well being if left unaddressed. Read on to discover a step-by-step guide to help you identify and overcome emotional triggers, empowering you to navigate life with greater emotional intelligence and resilience.



Top Seven tips to deal with your emotional triggers and stay calm

Top Seven tips to deal with your emotional triggers and stay calm

We all are human. We all have emotional triggers, sensitivities and places where we are prone to negative emotional reactions. These vulnerabilities are the areas where we experience irritations, hurt or anger and feel compelled to respond. Hot buttons are hot because they touch on our values and what we hold as important or not important in terms of respect and integrity.

The majority of our triggers touch upon the values of “rightness” or “wrongness” that we quietly hold. These values are often not obtrusive, until we get triggered. Once they are triggered, they take over and direct our behaviour. Because they are attached to strongly cherished values, they carry a strong emotional charge. When activated our behavior is driven by pure emotion, so our behavior tends to be greater than the situation calls for.

How to deal with emotional triggers? Here are 7 steps to manage and face emotional triggers like a pro:

1: Find out your triggers

The first step to identifying emotional triggers is cultivating self-awareness. Take the time to pause and reflect on your emotions. Ask yourself what situations or events tend to elicit strong emotional responses in you. Is this criticism, rejection, or feeling ignored? Being aware of your triggers is the foundation for growth and transformation.

2: Explore past experiences

Once you’ve identified potential triggers, it’s important to delve into your past experiences. Reflect on important events or relationships that may have contributed to the development of these triggers. Understanding the root causes can provide valuable insights into why certain situations provoke intense feelings.

3: Observe physical sensations

Emotional triggers frequently manifest as physical sensations in our bodies. Pay attention to any physiological changes that happen when you encounter a triggering situation. This could be a racing heart, shallow breathing, or tension in certain muscles. By recognizing these physical cues, you can start to detect the early signs of an emotional trigger.

4: Analyze thoughts and beliefs

Our thoughts and beliefs play an important role in how we interpret and respond to events. Take a closer look at the thoughts that arise whenever you encounter a triggering situation. Are they rational and objective, or do they lean toward negativeness and self-criticism? Challenge any distorted beliefs or assumptions that might be contributing to your emotional triggers.

5: Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques can help you regulate your feelings when faced with triggers. Engage in deep breathing exercise or meditation to center yourself in the present moment. This practice allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgement, fostering a sense of calm and clarity.

6: Seek support and professional help

Overcoming emotional triggers can be a challenging journey, and finding support is essential. Reach out to trusted friends, family members or a therapist who can provide guidance and a secure space for exploration. Professional help can provide valuable tools and techniques tailored to your specific needs.

7: Gradual exposure and desensitization

When you feel ready, consider slowly exposing yourself to the triggering situations or stimuli in a controlled manner. Begin with small steps and build resilience over time. This process, known as desensitization, can help rewire your brain’s response to these triggers, allowing for healthier and more adaptive responses.

Identifying and overcoming emotional triggers is a journey that requires self-awareness, reflection and resiliency. However, you can gain a deeper understanding of your triggers and learn to respond to them in a more empowering way by practicing the steps mentioned above mindfully.

Remember, it is a process that takes time and patience, but the rewards of emotional freedom and personal growth are well worth the effort. Embrace this opportunity to navigate life with greater emotional intelligence and experience a newfound sense of peace and empowerment.

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