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Get Good Marriage Alliance With Matrimony Indians Vastu Solution!



Get Good Marriage Alliance With Matrimony Indians Vastu Solution!

Get Good Marriage Alliance With Matrimony Indians Vastu Solution!

Every parent looks forward to the day when their daughter would get married and await the most sacred ritual of “Kanyadaan” when they lovingly give away the bride to the groom. It is a dream of every woman to get married in a reputed and good family where she receives all the affection and is treated as their own daughter. Irrespective of the caste, community or religion they belong to, every parent has an innate desire to see their daughter settled down in a family where she would live a blissful life.

Many a time, it may happen that the woman is well educated, has a pleasing personality and is successful professionally but due to certain obscure reasons, the matrimonial match does not finalize. You may have encountered situations where everything seemed to click just perfectly but a minor misunderstanding resulted in the cancellation of the proposal. What could be the hidden reason behind the proposal not materializing in marriage? The astonishing answer to this is, the secret to your marriage lies in your own home.

The Matrimony Indians Vastu solution is based on the concept of Four Sciences namely Direction, Structure, Energy and Chakra Science which will delve into the arrangement and design of the house where you reside. The direction of your sleep, the rooms and the structure of your house could be important determinants that influence your marriage prospects. If your house structure is not built in accordance with these Sciences then it can create an imbalance in the energies at your house.

Direction Science serves as an anchor that supports Chakra Science to absorb the cosmic energy in the universe into our body. This activates all the chakras in our body. When a woman seeking an alliance sits in her marriage direction, she tends to look more powerful and attractive, this will increase the feasibility of her marriage. When you invite a good prospect for marriage in your home, make sure that you are seated in your Marriage Direction for a favorable alliance. In the same way, when a woman sleeps in her Marriage Direction, it activates her Heart Chakra known as “Anahata Chakra”, which will develop more attractive and desirable qualities in her by connecting her to the Universal Energy. This can increase her chances of finding more suitable and eligible bachelors for marriage. Adopt Matrimony Indians Vastu solution for corrective directional techniques and simple remedies that will increase your chances of finding the right partner for marriage and get settled in a good family.

Vastu tips to help you get married soon!

It's only natural to worry about getting married too soon when you've moved past the marriageable age. There are still many people who prefer to get married early but are unable to do so, either because they have not found an ideal partner yet or because they are too focused on themselves right now. Any delay past the marriageable age in India is definitely a worry, even for the parents. If you are amongst them, do not fret.

We have listed down some Vastu tips that would help you to get married soon if you chose to follow them.

Bed sheet color

It is advisable to sleep on a light colored bedsheet like pink, yellow, light purple or white. This will attract the right kind of energy into the room and also will let out positive vibes for the person who wants to get married.

The direction of sleeping in bed

An unmarried woman should sleep towards the north-west direction of the house and avoid sleeping in the southwest corner of the house. This will increase marriage chances. Similarly, an unmarried man should sleep in the northeast direction and avoid sleeping in the southeast.

Iron objects

The person who wishes to get married should not sleep with any iron objects under the bed. The person should also keep their room clean and clutter free to let positive energy into the room.

Heavy objects

Placing heavy objects or having a staircase in the middle of the house is not recommended as it can delay the marriage process. According to Vastu, heavy objects make it difficult for the auspicious energy of marriage to come into the home.

Wall colour

The whole house should have light colored walls. Pastel shades are highly recommended as they will initiate marital relationships and proposals for the person. Avoid going for really dark shades.

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