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Best ways to build resilience in children to fight big battles in life

Children’s problems include adjusting to a new classroom, bullying by classmates, or abuse at home, but resilience is the ability to thrive despite these challenges.



Best ways to build resilience in children to fight big battles in life

Best ways to build resilience in children to fight big battles in life

The journey from adolescence to adulthood is marked by challenges – the pressures of academic success, peer relationships, career aspirations, inclination for intimate relationships, need for autonomy and experimentation, changing family dynamics, and the ever-evolving digital landscape. This can take a toll on young minds. That is why it is important to know how to build resistance in children.

Children can go through emotional setbacks that lead them toward unhealthy coping mechanisms such as use of substance, conflicts, school dropout and increase vulnerability toward anxiety, depression, substance use and attempts of suicide as well.

To counteract these challenges, it’s vital to focus on ways to build resilience in children, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate life’s ups and downs.

What is resistance?

Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and thrive in spite of challenging circumstances. It’s not about avoiding difficulties, but rather about developing the ability to cope effectively with and learn from them. Resiliency isn’t a static trait. Rather, it is a skill that can be cultivated and strengthened over time.

What are the ways to build resistance in children?

  1. Improve parent-child bonding
    Parents and guardians should actively listen and engage in non-judgmental conversations, validating the feelings and experiences of young individuals. It has been seen that when young people know they have a reliable support system, they are more likely to reach out for help when necessary. Youth should be encouraged to communicate their thoughts and feelings with these individuals, fostering a feeling of belonging and security. Knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles can provide comfort and encouragement during difficult times and build resilience. Setting boundaries on their device use and encouraging them to engage in offline activities can help them disconnect and focus on developing real-world connections, which are essential for building resilience.
  2. Cultivate healthy coping skills
    Educating youths to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental well-being sends the message that their health matters. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, mindfulness practices, deep breathing exercises, journaling and engaging in creative outlets like art or music can all serve as healthy ways to process feelings and promote self-care. They can build resilience by strengthening their overall well being. Also, teaching them to identify their emotions and expressing them in a constructive ways can prevent emotional suppression and promote emotional intelligence.
  3. Make it normal to talk about failures
    It is important that teenagers are taught to embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a reflection of their self worth. When they understand that setbacks are part of the learning process, and do not define them, they are more likely to persevere and remain hopeful even in the face of adversity. That is one of the most important ways to promote resilience in kids.
  4. Encourage realistic goals and expectation setting
    Children should be guided in setting both short-term and long-term goals, whether they are related to academics, hobbies or personal growth. The sense of accomplishment that comes from achieving these goals can boost their self-confidence and resistance. Unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy and stress in kids. It is important to set goals that are attainable and aligned with a youth’s individual strengths and interests.
  5. Find a supportive school and college environment
    Schools and colleges play a vital role in youth development. It is essential that they conduct programs to promote emotional intelligence, mental health awareness, celebrate failures and anti-bullying initiatives. These can reduce blood pressure and increase well-being. Educators can also be trained to recognize signs of struggling students and provide the needed resources.
  6. Seek professional help
    While building resilience is crucial, it is important to recognize that some situations require professional intervention. If a young person is experiencing persistent feelings of depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, seeking help from a qualified mental health professional is essential.

The last word

Enhancing mental health by fostering resilience in children is a multi-faceted approach that requires collective effort from parents, teachers, and society as a whole. As we invest in their resilience, we invest in their ability to lead fulfilling lives with strong mental and emotional well being.
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