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Best Security Tips When Registering On A Matrimony Portals

You can only view basic details like your education, family information, and other information online. Do not meet them alone if you meet the person outside after finding out the person is genuine online. A family member should accompany you.



Best Security Tips When Registering On A Matrimony Portals

Best Security Tips When Registering On A Matrimony Portals

With the advent of the Internet, websites, apps, and social media, young men and women have ample opportunities and means to find the love of their life or the perfect partner for marriage. Finding a person you want to build a happy life with is not a hassle anymore. Dating apps and Matrimony portals have made it all pretty easy and affordable. Meeting new people is just one click or one “Hello” text away.

Keeping dating ups aside for the people who are exploring themselves and also love, we’ll talk about marital sites today. Matrimonial sites are all about marriage, settling, and family. The course of your future will be decided on a marital site. You choose your soul partner, your partner for life.

Keeping dating ups aside for the people who are exploring themselves and also love, we’ll talk about marital sites today. Matrimony websites are all about marriage, settling, and family. The course of your future will be decided on a marital site. You choose your soul partner, your partner for life.

Are matrimonial sites unsafe?

Like every other social media app, or dating app, recently;y even matrimonial sites are under risks of being unsafe and people seem worried. But the real reality is that there are fake identities and fake people everywhere. You have the risk of choosing the wrong person even when your partner has been chosen by your family from among known people. You have the risk of making a wrong choice even when you fall in love and you marry someone among your friends or associates. This risk is wherever, online, offline, in life.

Therefore, just bad-mouthing matrimonial sites is not really a solution. Instead, we should be looking for methods and practices to keep ourselves safe from fake people and fake profiles.

Some useful security tips for registration on matrimonial sites.

  1. Try using a pet name until you know the profile of the prospect is genuine and until you trust the prospect fully.
  2. Use the security filters provided by certain online sites & take control over the extent of personal information you are sharing straightforwardly, on your profile. Avoid showcasing your address and phone number on your profile.
  3. Even after filtering your basic preferences, there might be certain people who approach you strangely or feel something is fishy, block those profiles immediately. Matrimonial sites do their best to verify all profiles before putting them up on their site, still we recommend that you take your own share of security measures.
  4. Keep your eyes and ears open, and observe the people you are having conversations with. Notice whether the person is respecting your space and giving you the time to open up and put in genuine efforts to earn your trust.
  5. Asking for photos is always a good idea to understand if the profile is genuine or not. When you see the person, communication also becomes simpler.
  6. Even if you have planned a meeting and finalized the date, time, and place, if you have any second ideas, just believe in yourself and take your time.
  7. When you decide to meet someone, never meet inside. Meet outside, always. Try going to some place you are familiar with.
  8. If you’re going to meet someone, be it to find a Indian groom or Indian bride, don’t forget to share the contact number, name, address, and the meeting destination with any of your family members or your friends. They must know where you are in case there is some trouble.
  9. Always asking as many questions as possible. This is a good way to identify liars because you can notice when their answers are not matching or not falling into place.
  10. Watch out for angry behaviour, impatient behaviour, trying to make you share information you don’t want to, or attempts to control you.
  11. If there is any demand for money, immediately report the profile and issue to your marriage site.
  12. Remember not to use email signatures that contain your contact details. Also, don’t chat with any unidentified person from your personal or official email ids.
  13. We recommend you create a separate email id solely for your matrimonial site or marital accounts.
  14. Also ask your friends and family to take a look at your prospect’s profile and the conversations you’ve had with him/her. A third-person’s perspective is always useful, because they will not be biased, while you might be if you like a person too much. They will tell you immediately if they found something fishy that you did not.
  15. Whether you’re looking for a Indian groom or a Indian bride, never make plans with your prospect to pick you up or drop you at your place in the very first meet.
  16. Do not trust prospects who try to avoid answering direct questions or hesitate when answering direct questions.
  17. Don’t forget that the decision is only yours. You decide if you are ready to meet. Whether you wish to meet them in person is in your hands. You are free to decide when you are ready to meet a person and when you are not. You cannot refuse to continue communication with a prospect at any time.
  18. Don’t get too emotionally attached to a prospective too soon. Take time. You don’t want to end up being hurt by a person who treats you like his/her partner on the very first meet, and later vanishes into thin air. Protect your feelings, your feelings, and yourself.
  19. Avoid meeting at isolated places or areas. Do not go to meet a prospect very late at night or at unfavorable hours. AND definitely do not go to the movies for a first meeting, because you’ll never get to communicate properly.
  20. Always remember if you are cautious and observant, you can always avoid any mishaps or unpleasant situations. Notice their behavior not just with you, but also with people around, for example, how he/she treats the cab driver, or the waiter at the restaurant you’re having lunch at. That is their real personality, not what they’re trying to show you, because obviously, they’re trying to impress you.


Matrimonial Sites know how seriously their responsibility is and they do their best to verify every profile uploaded. Yet, a double layer of protection is never undesirable. While the sites try to ascertain their share of security, it is your responsibility too to look after your own security.

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