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Are u short-tempered? Stop or these side effects will affect your mental health.



Are u short-tempered? Stop or these side effects will affect your mental health.

Are u short-tempered? Stop or these side effects will affect your mental health.

There are some people who quickly react with anger to any situation, especially when things don’t go their way. Short-tempered people, you have to control your anger if you love your health.

No one truly knows what makes people angry. It could be someone cutting you off in traffic or a loved one not listening to you. Coming back home after a long day at work and having noisy guests can also tick you off. There can be many reasons for losing your cool. Anger happens to be a common and sometimes, healthy emotion. But if you often react to any situation with anger, you are obviously short-tempered. Taming your anger is crucial if mental health is your priority. Read on to find out the causes of short temper and why it is so important to control anger.

To comprehend a short-tempered person, it’s essential to understand the concept of personality. Personality is an inherent and enduring trait that influences a person’s behavior, attitudes and thoughts. Someone who possesses an unpredictable disposition or exhibits instant bursts of anger can be referred to as having a short-tempered personality.

Common causes of short temper

Many may question why some people are short tempered. Although there isn’t a single definitive theory to fully explain the origin of short-tempered behavior, there are a few possible contributing factors –

  1. Genetic influence
    Genetics plays a major role in a person’s personality traits, including a predisposition to being short-tempered.
  2. Neurophysiological factors
    Various functional imaging techniques have revealed structural and functional brain abnormalities in people with a short-tempered personality, the specialist tells Health Short.
  1. Childhood development
    Challenging temperaments in childhood can develop into short-tempered traits. Harsh and inconsistent parenting, family conflicts, and childhood trauma may serve as risk factors.
  2. Underlying mental health conditions
    Short-tempered behavior isn’t all about mood swings. It might manifest as an outward symptom of an underlying mental disorder. Conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Depression, Psychosis, and Bipolar Disorder can lead to sudden anger outbursts, the expert says.
  3. Underlying physical health issues
    A brief temper might only be the visible part of a larger underlying health issue. Conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, traumatic brain injury and tumors could contribute to such behavior.

Short temper and health

Having a short temper negatively impacts a person’s overall health.

  1. Physical health
    Sudden bouts of anger can lead to heightened blood pressure and may even trigger panic attacks. Also, existing physical conditions, particularly cardiac ailments, could worsen due to such episodes, says Dr Kalpna.
  2. Mental health
    Short-tempered behavior can contribute to the development of various mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. People may also make irrational decisions, potentially leading to substance abuse or reckless driving.
  3. Social health
    A short temper has repercussions on a person’s social relationships across various spheres, including work, home, school and college. You can lose friends or people will simply start ignoring you if you do not keep your anger in check. After all, nobody wants to be around a grumpy person all the time.

Ways to control bad temper

If your anger is adversely affecting your physical, mental or social well-being, seeking help from a doctor is vital. You may also do the following:

  1. Combine mindfulness, breathing exercises and meditation with professional support to manage anger outbursts effectively.
  2. Recognize triggers and pre-emptively plan for such situations.
  3. Maintain a mood journal to monitor emotions daily, including anger.
    Involvement in extracurricular activities and physical exercises can provide short-tempered people with a constructive outlet for their anger.

You could even have a glass of water to cool down!

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